Creation: And It Was Very Good
Group Activities
Sermon Title: "And It Was Very Good"
Scripture Reading: Genesis 1
Give each child a small notebook (from a $$ store, or if needed, MAKE a little construction paper notebook) to take on a Creation WALK outside if weather permits. Children will enjoy being little "creation news people" and will also remember their Creation story and information today, as well. (If it's a rainy day, children can still each go to an available window in their classroom or church area, and make the drawings. Make sure that children have time to pass their Creation notebooks around to each other to enjoy someone else's Creation walk.
Before class, dye dried-egg shells with various dyes and have available in containers (by color) for classtime. Encourage children to draw the land and water, etc from their creation story and glue some crushed egg shells on the drawing. This could also be done with confetti in colors of blue, green, brown, yellow, etc.
"Psalms 8:6-8" FRAMED:
Teacher can have these verses typed out and cutout for children to tape their own Bible verses to a colorful piece of paper and then add a "frame" around the verses, by either little strips of another color of paper around the edges, or drawing a frame-look border or a glitter border, etc. (Other ideas for a frame would be craft sticks, spaghetti noodles, colored cereal, etc).
Have children sketch a very LARGE picture of themselves on a piece of construction paper. (Let children add yarn for hair, mini pieces of cloth for clothes and other colored pieces of construction paper, if desired, to make the picture more ALIVE). Then have children add stickers or small pictures of creation all around their ME picture.
Let children glue pictures of creation from magazines onto a piece of poster board (if children will take home). Although, this could be a class project to display on the wall and then an entire poster board could be filled with creation pictures and let children work together on that. To make this project quicker, the teacher can have pictures of animals, land, sun, moon, stars, water, etc, cut out ahead of time and placed on the classroom table for children to choose from.
Roll out a large roll of paper on the classroom table. When teacher says, "GO"! then children will quickly draw as many creation ideas as they can think of in the time allotted for the fun! Children will ENJOY seeing their Creation "creation" when the time is up! For added fun, each child could add a bigyellow SUN when the timed creation is over, and draw their own name inside the sun's.This could be displayed in the classroom or somewhere in the church to HONOR the GOD of CREATION!
Let children draw and decorate parts of the Creation story and hang the little "reminders" from a decorated hanger. Each child could also draw a white fluffy cloud (with a little bit of a cotton ball separated and glued to the edges), with words from our story. Ex: CREATION BY GOD, OUR CREATOR, Psalms 8:6-8, Genesis 1:1 etc. (Each child could make a mobile or work together to hang this Creation Mobile in the classroom as a reminder of today's lesson.)
Song: "All Things Bright and Beautiful" by Cecil F. Alexander
Words and music (pdf)
MP3 piano accompaniment - Right click and save to your computer. (Two measures introduction and sing twice.)
Song: "Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
Words and music (pdf)
MP3 piano accompaniment - Right click and save to your computer. (Four measures introduction and sing twice.)
These songs are in the public domain and may be freely downloaded and reproduced for ministry purposes.
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