Price Is Right 2 Group
Group Activities
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams |
Sermon Title: "The Price Is Right" Scripture Reading: Matthew 13:44-46 |
PRICE IS RIGHT GAME: Have many small objects from around the house for children to play THE PRICE IS RIGHT with the class. This will be a fun and interesting game to lead up to today's story.
FIELD ART: Let children spread some glue on a piece of construction paper and sprinkle a little dirt on the page. They could glue a tiny piece of paper in the sand to represent the treasure that was hidden. Let children title their "dirt art" with THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE A TREASURE HIDDEN IN A FIELD, etc. FIELD HUNT: If there is a field near the church, children could go out into a designated area and find little slips of paper with portions of today's Bible verse in that field area. Children could place the portions of the Bible verse in order on a table or on the grass and work together to memorize their verse and the meaning of it as well! Finding God's Word in the field is a GREAT TREASURE! TREASURE BOX: Let children build and glue a treasure box together with craft sticks, or with folded construction paper. Give markers and stickers to decorate the box to represent a GREAT treasure. Bible verses on small slips of paper could be put inside the treasure box when it is finished and encourage children to read ONE Bible verse a day! PEARL POSTER: Let children decorate and draw a poster with a "pearl" in the middle. (A pretend pearl necklace could be purchased from a discount store and the pearls could be cut off and one given to each child to glue onto their poster). Children could draw many $ signs around the edge of the paper and THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN IS LIKE A PEARL OF GREAT VALUE (Matthew 13:45-46) as a Bible verse for this part of the story! KINGDOM OF HEAVEN POSTER: Let children work together to make a large classroom poster for the month. Decorate with markers, stickers, and glitter for THE PRICE IS RIGHT, KINGDOM OF HEAVEN! "KINGDOM OF HEAVEN" POP UP: Children can write BETTER THAN PEARLS OR TEASURES many times all over the large construction sheet of paper. It can be written in different colors and many sizes of letters as well. In the MIDDLE of the paper, they can make a little "POP UP" square that will say KINGDOM OF HEAVEN. To make the little "pop up" spring, just fold a little thin rectangle piece of paper (less than 1 inch x 3 inches) in an accordian style and tape one end to the poster and the other end to the square piece of paper that says KINGDOM OF HEAVEN! $$$ SNACK TREAT: If desired, the teacher can give each child a $100,000 GRAND candy bar, or something similar to help them think of today's lesson! IF the teacher wants to have more fun with the SNACK TREAT, he/she can hide the candy bars around the room and let the children look for them. Song: "Little Is Much" by Kitte L. Suffield Words and Music (pdf) Song: "I Surrender All" by Winfield S. Weeden Words and Music (pdf) The above songs are in the public domain and may be downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. Song: "Treasures in Heaven" by Larry Holder Words and Music (pdf) This song is copyright Larry Holder and is used by permission. You may download and reproduce the song for religious or educational use. |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have been in the ministry for 35 years. They have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and for the last 14 years in Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
Copyright © 2001- Sermons4Kids, Inc. All Rights Reserved |
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