Sermons We See Group
Group Activities
Interactive Group Activities by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick |
Sermon Title: "Sermons We See" Scripture Reading: John 12:1-8 |
FOLLOW ME: Have the children trace the outline of their shoes on construction paper and cut them out. All shoes can be placed one ahead of another and walked on to follow the leader. Lead the children in a discussion of how others may be following what WE do, so we are a SERMON in shoes! For extra fun, the teacher can place the "shoes" at various places and spaces to make the following a little more tricky and harder to follow! If someone falls or tips over, this will make a good discussion of those who are following what WE DO! SHOE SERMON CRAFT: Option 1: Have the children use tracings of their shoes on construction as indicated in the previous activity. Write I'M A SERMON IN SHOES and decorate the shoes with real glued-on shoe strings, glitter or sequins and hang on a wall at home with a shoe string! Option 2: - The children will trace their shoes and decorate as previously indicated, but they will wear that shoe craft around their neck with a shoe string as the necklace. The initials at the bottom of the shoe of WWJD (what would Jesus do) might be added, because a GOOD SERMON would be to do what Jesus would do! POSTER ACTIVITY: Title — SERMON IN SHOES (Have the children fill in the missing letters below that teacher has prepared ahead of time): So __ __ __ __ it (walk) and __ __ __ __ it (talk) So __ __ __ __ it (live) and __ __ __ __ it (give) So __ __ __ __ __ it (teach) and __ __ __ __ __ __ it (preach) So __ __ __ __ it (know) and __ __ __ __ it (show) * The teacher may wish to give the first letter of the word for a clue, or for younger children, the teacher might make little dots for the letters for children to trace over. SERMON IN SHOES SNACK: The teacher will provide two shoe cutouts per hole punched along the 2 narrow ends and the bottom of the shoe so that the children can thread a shoe string through the shoe holes punched out along the edges. Children can decorate the shoes and write I'M A SERMON IN SHOES on them. They will then fill the shoes with candy which the teacher will give them as they answer questions about today's lesson. SHOE POEM: Teacher can have a SHOE cut out of construction paper for each child. A copy of the poem "Sermons We See" from today's lesson will be glued on the shoe to be put in their Bible as a Bookmark! POSTER OR CHALKBOARD COMPARISON: MARY (column 1); JUDAS (column 2) End of Class: The teacher will draw a large shoe on the chalkboard and let the children write their own name on the shoe as a child who wants to be a GOOD SERMON to others. Reminder — it's NOT what we SAY, it's what we DO! Song: "Our Best " by Grant Colfax Tullar Words and Music (pdf) Song: "Service Song" by Ralph Merrifield - Used by Permission Words and Music (pdf) This song is copyright © New Hope Music and is used with their permission It may be freely downloaded and reproduced for religious or educational use by churches, schools, home schoolers, and other non-profit organizations. |
About Carol Williams |
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana. Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School. She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown). |
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