1093 search results for "Luke 2:7"


No Resources Available.


Multiple Choice

Parable of the Fig Tree

Fill in the Blank

Parable of the Lost Sheep/Coin


Parable of the Lost Sheep/Coin

Word Search

Parable of the Lost Sheep/Coin


Road to Emmaus



Group Activities

The Gift of Love

Group Activities

Fanfare for a King

Group Activities

Are You Ready for Chrismas?

Group Activities

The Spirit of Christmas

Group Activities

The Temptation of Christ


The Temptation of Christ


The Temptation of Christ

Word Search

The Temptation of Christ

Coloring Page

Fishing for People

Coloring Page

Fishing for People

Group Activities

Montaintop Experiences

Group Activities

Making Excuses

Group Activities

The Parable of the Rich Fool

Coloring Page

Treasures in Heaven

Group Activities

All Bent Out of Shape


Mother Hen

Group Activities

Three Wishes (Prodigal Son)

Group Activities

Do the Right Thing

Group Activities

How Much Faith Is Enough?

Group Activities

Mustard Seed Faith

Group Activities

How Much Faith Is Enough?

Coloring Page

Keep On Praying

Group Activities

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Coloring Page

The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Group Activities

Big or Small


Palm Sunday

Group Activities

Waiting and Watching

Group Activities

Surprise! It's Empty!

Group Activities

Give Me An "F"


Prepare The Way Luke 3


Prepare The Way Luke 3

Fill in the Blank

Prepare The Way Luke 3


Prepare The Way Luke 3

Word Search

Prepare The Way Luke 3


Baptism Jesus Luke

Group Activities

Hometown Boy Group

Group Activities

Bright Shining Faces Group

Group Activities

Seeing Clearly Group

Group Activities

Visit From An Angel Group

Group Activities

Each One Reach One Group


Each One Reach One

Group Activities

Are You Ready Group

Coloring Page

Christ Returns In A Cloud

Group Activities

Company Is Coming Group

Group Activities

Real Thing Group