Filled With The Holy Spirit Group
Group Activities

Interactive Group Activities
by Carol Williams & Charles Kirkpatrick

Sermon Title: "Filled with the Holy Spirit"

scripture Reading:  Acts 2:1-21

BALLOON POPPING: Let all the children blow up a balloon and see who can POP the balloon first, after the teacher says GO!

BALLOON FILLED ROOM: The teacher will have many balloons already blown up and in a separate room or designated area. When the teacher says GO, the children can begin stomping on all the balloons until all the balloons have been popped. Make sure the other classrooms in the church have been alerted that the balloon popping will occur during classtime!

BIBLE VERSE BALLOONS: Place one word from the Bible verse in separate balloons. Let children pop a balloon and when all the little pieces of paper with Bible verse words are popped out of all the balloons, the children will tape or glue the words IN ORDER on a poster board with a large balloon tracing on the board. Let the children color the big balloon after the Bible verse has been glued in order.

BALLOON AIR FUN: As the teacher tells the story, let the children blow short breaths of air into their balloon and talk about being FILLED with the Holy Spirit. Then tell children that if we aren't FILLED with the Holy Spirit, then we'll be LIFELESS and let the balloons fly around the room until they all land on the floor without the air in them!

CRAFT STICK CHURCH: Give each child enough craft sticks and glue to build a church. The children can pretend to BLOW air into the church as the HOLY SPIRIT breathed life into the church on Pentecost. Display the churches on a table and ask the children to pray for all the churches in our country to be FILLED with the Holy Spirit.

CHALKBOARD TESTIMONIES: Let the children use various colors of chalk to write their names on the board as ones who want to tell OTHERS about Jesus. Tell children to draw their names inside a picture of a balloon that they draw with their chalk and attach all the balloons with strings to a LARGE CHURCH drawing in the middle of the chalk board.

UNSCRAMBLE WORD FUN: Give the children separate words in envelopes provided by the teacher. The words will say BE ALL THAT GOD WANTS ME TO BE. The children will tape or glue the words in order on a piece of construction paper with a drawing of a balloon on it. After they have taped or glued all of the words on the balloon drawing, they will cut out the balloon and add a curly ribbon to the balloon. Let the children hang their balloons around the room.

PILLOW CASE ART: Give each child a pillowcase and fabric pens to write BE ALL THAT GOD WANTS ME TO BE on the pillow case. They will then decorate the rest of the pillow case with balloons to remind children of the Holy Spirit in their lives and to remember today's Bible lesson. (Remember to send a note home with the children for parents to soak the pillowcases in cold salt water to set the paints, before washing).

BONFIRE LESSON: Older children might enjoy their Bible lesson today around a small bonfire. As they take turns BLOWING AIR into the fire, they'll see the fire "come to life" and the teacher can share our lesson today on the Holy Spirit.

BALLOON SNACKS: Lead the children to a designated area or have a garbage bag filled with balloons that have a piece of candy inside. Each child will get a balloon and burst it to retrieve the candy!


Song:  "Spirit of the Living God"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

Song:  "Breathe on Me, Breath of God"

Words and Music (pdf)

MP3 Accompaniment Track

About Carol Williams
Carol and her husband have served churches in Illinois, Minnesota, Mississippi, Michigan, and Indiana.  Carol loves to work with children so you will find her teaching in Junior Church and children's Sunday School.  She also has clowning ministry in which she is known as Bubbles tc (the clown).
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